I have had the honor this year to accompany my oldest son to school each day. It helps that I am a teacher in his school. With that aside I have watched him grow from a timid new sixth grader to one who will try new things and stand up for what he knows to be important. I have heard from his teachers that he is not shy about speaking his faith in class. Nick even stood up to some seventh graders this year and told them to stop fighting or he would get his dad.
Today he took another step in the growing up process. He helped me mow the yard. This was hard on two different sides of the coin. Number one is that I hate to give up some things. Number two is that Nick is small for his age in size, but huge in heart. As I stood by watching him mow the lines in the grass and turn to mow others I wondered where the time went when he would follow me with his toy mower when I would mow the grass. Although that was almost ten years ago it seemed like just yesterday.
For all of you with little ones, take the time with them NOW because those days are numbered and fleeing fast. One day you will look up and the man or woman standing in front of you will resemble that little boy or girl who held your hand crossing the parking lot and all you will have left are memories.