I am a history-buff which is good for I teach Social Studies. However, I am writing to you not to teach but to question. I come to those who might read this and comment pondering something that in some circles could be considered blasphemy. Does it really matter WHAT our founding fathers actually believed in? It seems to me that on many of the bookshelves of bookstores across this nation you find conflicting reports on the topic of George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and even further along in history Abraham Lincoln and what or if they believed. It seems that many author's believe that if they can convince the reader one way or another that if these "men" believe or don't believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it either validates or de-values Christianity.
Christianity doesn't need to be validated. The truth of the Gospel will not change if it is proven that the before mentioned men happen to be "washed in the blood" Christians or as some people refer to them as deists. Either way the truth that Jesus Christ died on the cross and was buried and defeated death and Satan by emerging from the tomb will NOT change.
What we do with the truth of the Gospel is what is important to us and to those who we share the truth with. But, remember no matter what we do with the truth does not hide the fact that the truth is alive.
I will be sharing with you my journey through the gospels of John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew throughout the next few months. Yes, I do know the order of the gospels I am just reading them in reverse order as to how they are presented in the Bible. Feel free to comment...
Hadn't thought of it that way. Great stuff!!